The blog is about to challenge a lot of people including myself. Let me re-assure you that these blogs are not about anyone but for everyone. One would argue and say that I am being judgmental, which is not the case. If you notice that I include myself, I am sharing my personal experience with the world in effort to help me or someone out there.
Back to the blog, I often find myself looking at people and I hear myself say to myself “look at him, he is happy and by the looks of things he has no problems.” Or I even say “some people have it easy, they have nothing to worry about.” To my foolishness I believed that for a long time, until the previous December holiday. It hit me that we all have problems. The thing about problems is that they are not the same.
We are quick to speak about our problems and how big they are, we never stop to think about other people and what problems they have or we spend too much time in other peoples business we to a point where we ignore our own big problems. During the holiday I listen and took part in a discussion of how one of our family members has problems, for days the discussion went on. It was only yesterday when my problem could not be ignored anymore, the thing about ignored problem they are not solved and they grow a bit bigger everyday. When I could not ignore anymore it like it was a pile of cards crashing. After they surfaced I attempted to fix cards not the cause of the crash. Our biggest mistake to fixing problem and not fixing the cause.
Whether you are rich or poor, black or white, South African or American, we have problems.
It time to end the lie we telling saying that people do not have a problem; it’s a BIG FAT LIE (BFL).
Now that we have established that part, it time we dealt with them now. Let’s look at how we can try to fix them:
1. Identify the cause: we need to find our cause. There is no point fixing the problem if we do not fix the leak. Before we put the blame on people we need to do introspection and find out where I went wrong. See what role you played in creating the cause. We are quick to blame our people for our own problem and we never want to take the blame for anything. After indentifying your part you need to identify all the other key players.
2. Be in the attitude of resolving the problem: it is very difficult to fix a problem that you do not want to be fixed. Remember when you are in the right attitude you can do anything, it’s the same with problem if you are not in the right attitude you will not be able to fix the problem. So get into the attitude, do not use this as an excuse not t fix problems. An attitude certainly will not take you 365 days to come right. The way you want to fix this problem will be determined by you attitude and you willingness to fix the problem.
3. Speak to the right people: who are you speaking to about your problem? If you are not speaking to the right people then you are wasting your time. It is good to seek personal advice from people, do not get me wrong but we do that too much. We tell everyone our problem except the people who are the cause. I think we do that so that we will feel better or we think that by telling everyone it will go away. If the problem involves your mother, speak to you mother about it. If you are scared, then you can use the proper channel.
4. Too many cooks spoiled the broth: we have heard that say a lot of time before. Always try by all means to limit the number of people involved. In that way you are able to account for little. Some problems are made worst by the number of people involved, some people are rather offended by the people involved which the escalate the problem. Try to involve few people. We black people have a tendency of involving the whole family( I mean the whole family from Uncle to Aunts in far away land)
5. Speak with your mind and heart but do not be too emotional: When given the opportunity to speak, speak your mind and heart but keep your emotions. Speak everything, problem re-occur simple because there were certain information that was not discussed or spoken as a result the problem keeps coming back, so when given the platform, speak everything. Our emotions often prevent us from speaking a lot of things, so try not to speak when you’re angry, because you will end up saying something you do not mean, and end up escalating the problem.
6. Forgive and forget: easy said than done right? This is one of the things I struggle with the most and I pray to God that he may help me to forgive and forget. If you have really solved the problem it shows when you have forgiven and forgotten. This means that, you should not bring up the past in future conversations or arguments that will cause a major set back and cause an even bigger problem.
With this said I think it’s also best to start taking your problems to God first and seek his advice. In Matthew 11:28: Then Jesus said, “Come to me all of you who are weary and carry heavy burdens, and I will give you rest……….” NLT. Jesus wants to carry our problems in his arms, let him do that! If you not let him, you are taking away one of his duties of being Lord of ALL. Remember that there is no problem bigger than God and nothing comes to him by surprise even your problem even mine. I hope I Have tried to help you as much as I have helped myself. All kind Blessing to you!
God Bless
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