Saturday, March 12, 2011

The Grape Box Theory

What the hack are you waiting for? Do you really think the concept of 'The One' really exists?  Come on, you guys look good together anyway, besides she's a church girl.Would'nt be wrong, infact nothing could be so right.

Truth indeed, How could I refuse the love of a 'good' girl so freely given, expecting the bear minimum from me, To love back. How could I say no to the kiss of lips so plump and well glossed glowing with a shine that seemed to radiate from something that lay deep beneath the perfect bosom?

Why?It wouldnt be so bad...Really it wouldn't, It would be good, Yes, But would it be necesarily be the best? Whenever the questions rise, Deep in my sleep, I open my eyes,

Take the questions, the scenario and always measure it all up to The Grape Box Theory. The Grape Box Theory is not really a theory but is a story of two men who were sent to find a single box of grapes,Each tailor made for each man.The doors opened..."Come inside.", the loud echoing voice said. Both men walked in on opposite sides of the collosal white room. "As you can see before you, are stacks and stacks of grape boxes. Infact there are over 2 billion boxes." The eyes of both man from oposite ends open wide at the fact.
The voice chuckles, " Don't be shocked, however you two are quite fortunate for the number of boxes, are directly linked to the size of your social pool. Now without wasting any further time.
I want each of you to find the box with your name, specific barcode and special seal made only for you.
Well you do not have to go through all the boxes to find your one.But listen carefully at the advice I am going to give you and listen carefully.

In this very room you will have the opportunity to read through a 10 000 page book, which will take you as long as it takes you to fully mature to finish.In this book you will find all the information you need to find out about your specific barcode, your name and the seal that will mark your specific box.
The sad thing is that your barcode, your seal and name are not in this book, but it will teach you all the names, seals and barcodes that are not for you.What does this mean? It means that you will have to read it from start to finish and only then will you know how your seal, barcode and name will look on the box.
This is the advice, but you can choose to do otherwise." Both men ponder at the information that they have just received and both wrestle with the ideal way of completing the task at hand.
The first guy (Guy A) thinks to himself, "There is absolutulely no way that I can finish a 10 000 page book,
No way that I am going to waste my time doing nothing but read a book. Grapes are all the same, I can open each box, taste the grapes and move on to the next if the grapes do not have that taste tailor made for me."
He sets on his journey and opens the first box...On the other end, Guy B thinks to himself,
"This room is massive, clean and pure. There are too many boxes and all of them look the same, have the same shape, make and colour. Finding my box in this room will be a mission, I might as well,
He touches the first box, and as soon as he had forgotten, He remembers, The Book. Afraid that he had nearly destroyed the order of the well stacked boxes. He quickly grabs the book, opens it and reads.

Page 1...
Guy A opens box 132,
Tired he seems, as his beat up taste buds again try to taste if whether this box could be his.He chews, he swallows and halfway through the box, like all the others, he spits out the grapes in disgust as he realises yet again that this box aint his...As he masters up his resolve and advances further, he looks back and all he can see is a trail of boxes. Some gently opened, missing one or two grapes.Some that look like they where torn apart with little room for patience, with only a few grapes left inside.The white boxes no longer look so white, the grape juice has spilled over on the floor and even to neighbouring boxes that atleast evaded the hands of monster as it passed through the others.

Guy A's side of the room is a mess!

Page 9 999, Guy B reads for the last time as years of publically rediculed labour come to an end.
Page 10 000.
He makes his way swiftly through the room, careful not to mess up with the ordered stacks.He eventually arrives a the other end of the room, to his box.He wipes away the little dust he sees on this little tiny box,

He cleans it of the prints left by another man, who had changed his mind just before he had taken the box, ravaged it and stole its contents.He walks away with that kind of smile in his face, Of a man who gave room to patience, to growth and now has found all the toil worth his while.

Box 200...
With his belly filled with grapes from different boxes and he, always making room for more.Guy A finds himself tiring, he finds himself wishing he could go on longer but his members cannot master any more strength.The voice shouts, "TIME UP!"
He collapses and is carried out in a strecther, stuffed in a coffin, buried and forgotten.Nothing to show for his hard or simple strategy of opening the boxes one at a time to find his.

The voice calls...
Two man lie in wait outside the room.The doors open at entrance A,A man stands in shock at the state of the room.The voice responds,"A man just like you came in with the same desire you have, The same goal and wish. But he never listened. This is the result.Now you have to find your box amongst these. If its still intact with all the grapes inside, Favoured you. If ravaged, torn and with grapes missing,You will have to take it,
Tape it together, With care, replace the missing grapes And only then, enjoy it."

Entrance B, the doors open...

Ladies and Gentlemen, this is the Grape Box Theory. If there is anything to learn let us learn. If there is anything to see, let us see it. If anything to remember, let us remember that one way or the other we are linked or affected by its truth.
Be Blessed dear friends and let us see the responsibility that has been given unto us to bear and let us be living examples with our own lives, but with Christ ultimately receiving the glory for having lived them in us.

Bulela Vava


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